on a first-name basis | tutearse |
on a full/an empty stomach | con el estómago lleno/vacío |
on a pedestal | en un pedestal |
on a roll | con buena suerte |
on a shoestring | con muy poco dinero |
on a silver platter | en bandeja |
Es mas de dos millas. I've been here for two days. He estado aqui desde hace dos dias. I've heard Texas is a beautiful place. He oido que Texas es un sitio muy bonito. I've never seen that before. Nunca he visto eso. I was about to leave the restaurant when my friends arrived. Estaba a punto de salir del restaurante cuando llegaron mis amigos. The plane departs at 5:30P. El avion sale a las cinco y media de la tarde. They arrived yesterday. Han llegado ayer. Gira a la izquierda. Gira a la derecha. What time are you going to the bus station? A que hora vas a ir a la estacion de autobuses? When did this happen?
- When I was young, we weren't on a first-name basis with our elders.
- You shouldn't take that pill on an empty stomach.
- Mark's grandmother was very important to him, he had her on a pedestal.
- I was on a roll at the casino last night! I won five hundred dollars!
- It's hard to run a whole household on a shoestring, especially if you have kids.
- Liz doesn't know what it is to work to pay the bills. She's had everything on a silver platter.
on a tangent | por la tangente |
on all fours | En cuatro patas |
on an even keel | estable |
on and on | sin parar |
on board | a bordo |
on cloud nine | en el séptimo cielo |
- Will was talking about the war in Iraq and he went off on a tangent.
- I was on all fours on the floor looking for my contact lense.
- We must help Adam to keep his life on an even keel.
- My mom just kept talking on and on about being responsible and all that.
- There are new teachers on board this year, Miss Allen and Miss Randall.
- Pam was on cloud nine when she won that trip to Paris.
on drugs | consumiendo drogas |
on duty | de servicio/guardia |
on edge | con los nervios de punta |
on foot | a pie |
on good/bad terms with | llevarse bien/mal con |
on line | en línea, conectado |
- The blood and urine tests showed that the actor was on drugs.
- I'll talk to you when I get home, I have to go, I'm on duty.
- I'm on edge every time I have a test, I get so nervous.
- It was nice today so I decided to go to work on foot instead of taking the bus.
- Are you on good terms with your mother?
- I'm waiting for Robert to get on line so we can chat a little bit.
on no account | de ninguna manera |
on one's best behavior | portarse lo mejor posible |
on one's deathbed | en el lecho de muerte |
on one's high horse | tener muchos humos |
on one's last legs | en las últimas |
on one's (own) merits | por mérito propio |
- On no account should you eat greasy food, drink alcohol or smoke, Mr. Johnson.
- I promised my dad I would be on my best behavior at school so that he lets me go dancing.
- When my sister was on her deathbed, I promised her I'd take care of her son.
- Every time he can Tom gets on his high horse talking about politics. It's so annoying.
- Ann's father is on his last legs, we should visit her to give her our support.
- Mayor Hanson got where he is without any help from anyone. He's a renowned politician on his own merits.
on one's mind | en mente |
on one's own | solo |
on one's own account | por cuenta propia |
on one's uppers | en la miseria |
on one's way | en camino |
on paper | sobre papel |
- I'm sorry, I can't help you right now, I've got a lot of things on my mind.
- Patrick's been on his own in his room all day long.
- Julia's setting up a boutique on her own account, she's really excited about it.
- Steve can't find a job, he really is on his uppers.
- I'm on my way to the dentist, I'l call you when I get home.
- I know you can read books on the internet but I still prefer them on paper.
on parole | en libertad condicional |
on pins and needles | ansioso |
on probation | en período de prueba |
on purpose | a propósito |
on sale | en liquidación |
on schedule/time | a la hora prevista |
- I'm getting out on parole next week. And I'm never going back to jail.
- Alice said she had something important to tell me, I'm on pins and needles.
- Johnny messed it up last week at the office so now he's on probation.
- My mom didn't like my dog so she let it out on purpose so that he would run away.
- Helen bought that sweater on sale for only ten dollars.
- The plane arrived on schedule and we left the airport at ten o'clock.
on second thought | pensándolo mejor |
on someone's side | del lado de alguien |
on spec | por si las dudas |
on standby | en espera |
on strike | en huelga |
on sufferance | de mala gana |
- I was going to go by bus but, on second thought, I'll take my bike.
- How can you be on Emily's side? You're my best friend!
- Dan didn't know if he needed a permit but he asked for one on spec.
- Our systems are down and all the work is on standby.
- The workers at the factory are on strike because they want a pay rise.
- Meg didn't want to go so she went on sufferance.
on tap | de barril |
on target | de acuerdo con lo previsto |
on tenterhooks/the rack | con el alma en vilo, en ascuas |
on the alert/lookout/qui vive | en alerta |
on the average | en promedio |
on the blink | averiado |
- We went to a pub that sold beer on tap. It was delicious.
- Everything is going on target so far.
- We're all on tenterhooks, we don't know what's going to happen.
- One of the thieves broke into the house and the other stayed out on the lookout.
- We have twenty students per course on the average.
- I have to get my car fixed, it's on the blink again.
on the bright side | el lado bueno |
on the brink/verge | al borde |
on the button/clock/dot | en punto |
on the chance that | con la esperanza de |
on the cheap | por poco dinero |
on the cutting edge | a la vanguardia |
- My aunt Magda always looked on the bright side of things.
- The whole region is on the brink of war! It's terrible!
- My boss is very strict with the time. I have to be at the office at nine on the button.
- We stayed at the back of the stadium on the chance that the band came out.
- You can buy some really great stuff at the fair on the cheap.
- Our company has always been on the cutting edge of new technologies.
on the defensive | a la defensiva |
on the double | inmediatamente |
on the edge of your seat | en vilo |
on the face of it | a primera vista |
on the fritz | estropeado |
on the horizon | En el horizonte |
Frases De Casino Ingles De
- Why are you always on the defensive? No one wants to attack you.
- Peter was late for an appointment so he finished his coffee on the double.
- The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last minute.
- On the face of it, a patient may seem fine, but he or she could have internal injurires.
- My camera fell into the pool and now it's on the fritz.
- The tarot lady told me there were some job offers on the horizon.
on the house | la casa invita |
on the increase/rise | en aumento |
on the inside | por dentro |
on the lam | a la fuga |
on the level | ser serio |
on the loose | en libertad |
- Since you are a regular customer, dessert is on the house, sir.
- Unfortunately, unepmloyment is on the rise due to the crisis.
- That house is gorgeous. I'd love to know what's on the inside.
- The thieves took off with 300,000 dollars and are on the lam.
- Don't worry, I know Mr. Jameson, he's an honest man. His company is on the level.
- A lion escaped from the zoo today and is now on the loose.
on the make | tratar de sacar tajada |
on the market | a la venta |
on the mend | mejorando |
on the move | de viaje |
on the prowl | merodeando |
on the rebound | Por despecho |
- Most politicians are on the make when they can.
- I'm sorry but the product you are looking for is no longer on the market.
- Phil came down with the flu but he's on the mend now.
- I went to five different schools as a kid because we were always on the move.
- There's a strange man on the prowl, nobody knows him.
- Liz doesn't like Carl, she just dates him because she's on the rebound.
on the receiving end | blanco/víctima de |
on the right foot | con el pie derecho |
on the right track | por buen camino |
on the safe side | para mayor seguridad |
on the same wavelength | en la misma onda |
on the side | Aparte |
- When Mary's husband got violent, she was on the receiving end of his blows.
- Business has been going great, we set off on the right foot.
- Are you sure we're on the right track?
- The home pregnancy-test was positive but I had a blood test to be on the safe side.
- Tom and Jeff get along great, they're on the same wavelength.
- When Jo was a little girl she hated beans so she left them on the side of her plate.
on the sidelines | al margen |
on the sly | a hurtadillas |
on the spur of the moment | sin pensarlo |
on the streets | hacer la calle |
on the tip of my tongue | en la punta de la lengua |
on the town | de juerga |
- Frank prefers to stay on the sidelines whenever there's an arguement.
- When I was a teenager, I got out of my house on the sly at night to go dancing.
- I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I said it on the spur of the moment.
- Many immigrant women are on the streets because they can't find a good job.
- What's the name of that actor? I have it on the tip of my tongue.
- Last night we went out on the town. We had a great time.
on the wagon | abstemio |
on the wane | menguando |
on the warpath | en pie de guerra |
on the way out | de salida |
on the whole | en general |
on thin ice | en terreno peligroso |
Frases De Casino Ingles En
- I'm still on the wagon and I intend to keep it that way. No alcohol for me.
- CD sales are on the wane due to the free illegal downloads from the internet.
- The whole country is on the warpath after the attacks.
- That kind of music had its moment but now it's on the way out.
- This year's sales have been good on the whole.
- You'll be walking on thin ice if you tell the media about the Mayor's bribes.
Frases De Casino Ingles A
on tiptoe | de puntillas |
on top of the world | contentísimo |
on view | expuesto |
on your guard | en alerta |
Frases De Casino Ingles Facil
- It was late and everyone was asleep, so we went in on tiptoe.
- I'm on top of the world! It's my wedding day!
- There were some beautiful purses on view at the mall.
- You must be always on your guard in this city or else you get mugged.